
Acting and Performance classes are open to all ages at TSOS – Youths, Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors and Advanced classes


The Theatre School of Scotland’s Acting and Performance courses, focus on honing audition techniques and fostering professional development for aspiring young actors. Our mission is to create a positive and constructive environment that empowers students to cultivate a high standard of work ethic and conduct, ensuring their success in any future endeavours.

Our specialised courses cover acting for TV, Film, Theatre, and Commercial productions. Each discipline demands a unique skill set, and our comprehensive training equips students with extensive knowledge and practice in all four areas. Throughout our courses, we emphasise the importance of teamwork, individual growth, and adopting the mindset of a successful actor, all under the expert guidance of our experienced Theatre School Of Scotland staff.

Our curriculum is designed to enhance technique skills, prepare students for auditions, and offer various performance opportunities. Join us on a journey of artistic growth and professional excellence as you embark on your acting career.

Unlock your potential with Theatre School of Scotland’s Acting and Performance courses.



  • Black Joggers
  • Black Leggings
  • Leotard
  • Jazz Shoes
  • Ballet Shoes
  • Character Shoes
  • TSOS Hoodie
  • TSOS T-Shirt
  • Folder

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